Starting a Project

Use Deeplodocus's new-project command, followed by a name for your new project, to generate a new Deeplodocus directory. This will contain all the files necessary to begin your next deep learning project. Note that newproject and new_project will also be accepted.

$ deeplodocus new-project <project-name>

A comprehensive list of Deeplodocus entry commands can be found here.

Project Structure

A complete Deeplodocus project directory will contain a main Python script and two sub-directories.

The first of these is the config directory, which controls different groups of high-level project variables through 9 YAML files. Also within config is a transformers directory, that can be used to house additional YAML files which perscribe routines for transforming input and output data. More detailed information about project configurations can be found on the Configuration page.

The second is a modules directory, which is a place to house any modules that are custom-built for the project. Initially this will be empty, but users can optionally add their own models, data sources and transforms, losses, metrics and optimizers. More detailed information about impleementing and including custom modules can be found on the Create Modules page.

Once Deeplodocus is executed, another directory will be generated to store any resultant model weight files, logs and training history from the current session. The name of this directory is controlled by the user through the config/project.yaml file.

    ├ config                  # Directory for config files
    │    ├ transformers       # Directory for transformer files
    │    ├ data.yaml
    │    ├ history.yaml
    │    ├ losses.yaml
    │    ├ metrics.yaml
    │    ├ optimzer.yaml
    │    ├ project.yaml
    │    ├ training.yaml
    │    └ transform.yaml
    ├ modules                 # Directory for custom-build modules
    └                 # Python script for running Deeplodocus

Entry Commands

Deeplodocus entry commands are designed to help you to build and run your project. You have already come across the new-project command, yet there are also a series of commands to generate template files and to run your project.

  • deeplodocus help - display a list of all available entry commands.
  • deeplodocus version - display the version number of your Deeplodocus installation.
  • deeplodocus new-project <project-name> - initialize a new Deeplodocus project.

Transformer Templates

Deeplodocus transformers are a way of grouping transform functions into routines that can be applied at different stages of your deep learning pipeline. There are four different types of transformer to choose from, and each works sligltly differently - more information about transformers can be found here.

The transformer command will print the selection of possible transformers, and prompt the user to choose one to be generated. However, if you know which template you want, you can ask for it explicitly:

  • deeplodocus transformer <filename> - display list of transformers and let the user choose one.
  • deeplodocus sequential-transformer <filename> - generate a sequential transformer template.
  • deeplodocus oneof-transformer <filename> - generate a one-of transformer template.
  • deeplodocus someof-transformer <filename> - generate a some-of transformer template.
  • deeplodocus output-transformer <filename> - generate an output trasformer template.

Run Project

The simplest way to run your new Deeplodocus project is with the run-project command:

$ deeplodous run-project <path-to-config>

If no subsequent arguments are given, "./config" will be used as the path to the config directory.

Running a Project

Once the parameters in each of the configuration files have been set, the project is ready to be executed in one of two ways:

  1. Either, with the native deeplodocus commad:
$ deeplodocus run-project
  1. Or, with by running the main.p` file:
$ python3

The 'run-project' command serves as easy way to run your project that will always exist. The latter option exists for flexibility and offers a starting point for users wishing to add complexity by extending the core startup sequence.

Upon running, Deeplodocus will load the project configurations and raise warnings if any settings are missing or invalid - these will be replaced by default values. You will then have access to the Deeplodocus terminal and, if you are satisfied that your project settings have been loaded sucessfully, you can begin to execute commands to activate your deep learning pipeline. A collection of the core Deeplodocus commands are detailed in the Core Commands section of this page.

Core Commands


> load()

Upon running a Deeplodocus project the load command will typically be the first to be called, as it loads a series of key Deeplodocus modules. More information about the load command can be found on the FrontalLobe section of the API page.

Modules that are initialized by the load command are:

  • the model
  • the optimizer
  • the loss(es)
  • any metrics
  • the validator (if enabled)
  • the tester (if enabled)
  • the trainer (if enabled)
  • the predictor (if enabled)
  • memory (for handling history)


> train()

Once all the modules necessary for optimizing the model have been loaded, model training can initiated with the train command. More information about the training process can be found on the Trainer section of the API page.


  • If a validator has been loaded, at the end of each training epoch the model will be evaluated over the validation dataset.
  • If memory has been loaded, training (and validation) history will be saved to the histroy folder within the session directory.
  • If any metrics have been loaded, they will be reported alongside loss values.

Modules that should be loaded before training are:

  • the model
  • the optimizer
  • the loss(es)
  • metric(s) (optional)
  • the validator (optional)
  • the trainer
  • memory


> test()

Once a model has been trained, the test command can be used to evaluate your model over any test datasets. More information about the test process can be found on the Tester section of the API page.

Modules that should be loaded before testing are:

  • the model
  • the loss(es)
  • metric(s) (optional)
  • the tester (optional)
  • memory


> validate()

Validation can be done whilst training, however to evaluate your model over the validation dataset seperately, use the validate command. The validator is identical to a tester module, so more information about the validation process can be found on the Tester section of the API page.

Modules that should be loaded before validating include:

  • the model
  • the loss(es)
  • metric(s) (optional)
  • the validator (optional)
  • memory


> predict()

Prediction is a flexible pipeline for conducting experiments and simulating the deployment of a model. During the prediction, losses and metrics are ignored, and the pipeline terminates with output transforms. More information about the prediction process can be found on the Predictor section of the API page.

Modules that should be loaded before predicting include:

  • the model
  • the predictor

Data Architecture
